I've already written a review here from my old account. At that moment I was in the fifth grade, now I have already graduated from this school. To be honest, it was very funny to read that my masterpiece of criticism, I would even have forgotten about it until the teachers reminded me about it somewhere in the eighth or ninth grade (everything is fine, we laughed together).
So that's what I can say now about school, the dress code is still solid enough, but it works somehow in waves, at the beginning of the year it is monitored for about a week, in winter it is completely clogged, and then abruptly in April–May it turns out that your pants /shirt /skirt / shoes are the wrong color / length/and you can't wear them at all, out of shape, wear something else. And it's like you've been wearing this all year, and you don't have anything else. They look at nails and jewelry, as it turned out, really only in elementary and middle grades (but still I won't forget that situation with the ring, I went to the head teacher for two weeks haha).
The school building is new, beautiful, inside and out. The toilets are normal, with booths and are closed.
In the dining room, the food was not to my taste, especially the samsa, as if meat had been put in it as a seasoning for potatoes, it was torn into small fibers and added to the hard potatoes. But at the same time, hot food is delicious according to friends, but I have no idea if it is possible to buy it or if it is a privilege for beginners and beneficiaries. Tea tastes like buckwheat compote, I do not approve.
At the expense of teachers, there are really a lot of good teachers, Gauhar Myrzabekovna, Irina Viktorovna and Gulshat Onalbaevna, wonderful, understanding, professionals in their field, I love you, you gave me the love of learning. But not everything is so perfect, there are also disgusting teachers who gave me hatred for their subject and pumped a couple liters of tears out of me. But I admit that I am a sensitive person with excellent student syndrome in my own right. There are some problems at school with the fact that there are not enough teachers everywhere, for example, as far as I know, there is only one physics teacher for the whole school. Some teachers do not teach at all, they drive a fool in their lessons.
The school administration seems to be adequate, but there are some jokes. For example, we were required to prepare a waltz for the last bell, and we were eventually banned from training on school grounds.
Speaking generally, the school is not bad, there are disadvantages, but so are other such general education schools, nothing unusual and beyond bad. And here, during the quarantine, the series was filmed while everyone was on the remote - "Bir toqsan", so there is something to brag about.
I've been studying here since the first grade, I like everything, but there are also disadvantages. Of the main advantages of this school, I can single out excellent teachers (I vouch only for teachers teaching Russian classes), we can also say that the school is new, because it was completely rebuilt in 2017, that is, everything (desks, walls, ceiling, batteries, windows, window sills, etc.) is absolutely new. There is a dining room, but keep in mind that you will not find anything harmful except baking, under harmful I mean Pizza, chips, chocolates, candies, lollipops and the like. The food is quite edible there, but still not all menus will be to your taste. But I can also highlight the main disadvantage - this is the strict charter of the school. That is, if you come to school with colored hair, you will be forced to repaint them, if you put a hoodie on top of a shirt, they will be forced to take it off, perhaps they will generally take it away if you paint your nails, they will tell you to erase it if they find some jewelry on you (or even expensive silver or gold jewelry!) They will take it off and take it away, and then you will have to run after the head teacher to return what you took! (This was a situation with me personally) only small earrings on the ear are allowed (I do not know about other parts of the body). The rule does not apply only to people in grades 9+ (and then some teachers may find fault with your appearance).
We take the middle daughter to elementary school. There were problems with teacher turnover, they say there is a shortage of teachers for Russian classes, but now everything is fine.
Of the undoubted advantages: good repair inside, small classrooms, a small number of classes themselves. The head teacher is surprisingly a very open and caring person, remembers all the students by name.
Of the cons: a shabby yard and a sports ground, I hope they will put it in order.
From the experience: the area is actively being built up by huge residential complexes and there is a significant risk that soon there will not be enough places in the classrooms, and our son has to go to school in two years, eh...