A place that can surprise with average, for Turkey, meat and strange service. And a sticky table. But in order. We went in because my wife really wanted to taste the famous golden steaks. A small queue was overcome in 20 minutes. Unfortunately, the maestro was not in place, so the meat was taken out by the waiters. The steaks shone like bottles of an incomprehensible wine schmurdyak, which were put on the table for some reason. He explained affectionately that wine should please the drinker, and not cause heartburn, brought something more suitable and familiar. Ok, of course, evaluating steaks in gold at their price is a bad idea, if you don't want it, don't take it, but the meat should be no worse, at least, than the same steakhouse on the hotel grounds, in my other review. Having pointed out the discrepancy between the declared meat and the received one, I still did not get a clear answer. The waiter abruptly forgot English and switched to a strange language mix that I no longer understood. The bill was expected, no extra was added.
Be extremely careful when taking pictures with Nusret! You can become ... read more >>
Of course, being in Bodrum, I could not deny myself the pleasure of visiting the restaurant of the famous meme chef Nusret Gokce.
The restaurant was booked in advance, even before the course of our regatta — about a month in advance. So, avoiding the queue for boarding in the hall, we calmly came, sat down and began to enjoy the show.
To my surprise, the prince himself was in the restaurant-the king of Nusret steaks! Although we didn't even call each other and didn't plan this meeting, we were both pleasantly surprised (I'm more, since he doesn't know me).
I took a golden steak for myself, since Nusret's performance itself is attached to it (this salt from the elbow, pretentious poses and hand slaps on the meat). By the way, if you take something "cheaper" than a golden steak (about 13,000 rubles), then I'm sorry, Nusret does not pay attention to beggars, so no shows. If there is no Nusret in the restaurant, but he spawns in restaurants randomly, as I understand it, and this is not advertised in advance, then the usual waiters will arrange a show for you, but this, of course, is not that and is not worth the golden steaks.
The wine is mediocre and with a large margin. Yes, everything here is, in general, mediocre and with a large margin. Very loud music is playing.
In fact, the meat is quite ordinary, nothing special, it certainly doesn't cost that much money, even though it's plastered with gold. In general, there is not much really tasty in the restaurant (perhaps you will find it), rather the place should be treated as a food show.
Now to the important thing, wear ordinary clothes, not the most expensive T-shirt or shirt... since after the photo next to the Nusret, it (your outerwear) will automatically become the most expensive thing in your wardrobe. The next morning, I found that my shirt was stained with a greasy meat stain : (After a while, I realized that it wasn't really worth worrying about... During the photoshoot with Nusret, the maestro hugged me from behind with his dirty hand (of course, he constantly beats fried meat with his palm and touches it when he grinds it with his big knife). Hence the stain. I'm attaching a photo, the case is solved.
My advice to you: if you were lucky enough to take a triumphant photo with a meat sultan, then sell the thing from this photo with a print of a greasy stain from Nusret (with a photo demonstration) on some website with ads. I washed mine, although I could have become a very rich man a long time ago.
Food and drinks are three stars, and Nusret is all the stars of the world! With easy mathematical actions, we get 4 stars. We got positive impressions from the show — for the rest of our lives, and we followed them.
It's not bad, but it's true that Istanbul has a 5+ park, the staff here is sluggish and not very efficient, the order is taken a long time, but otherwise everything is fine