It's the worst place I've ever seen. They focus only on filling their own pockets, not helping the patient. We signed up for dental treatment for my daughter, 13 years old. The doctor was KOZLOVSKAYA L.V.
Going into the doctor's office, there was no question that we had come to treat a tooth. They put my daughter down and began to examine all her teeth with a camera, although we did not give consent to this, we only needed to heal one tooth. But the doctor presented it as a mandatory consultation, but why do we need all the teeth if we know our problem specifically from other specialists.
After the check, it started....!!!
The daughters counted 11 teeth with caries. 🤦 It turned dark in my eyes. And this is despite the fact that we visit the dentist every six months.
Then the doctor said that the teeth were not well-groomed. How else do you need to take more care of your teeth, if your daughter cleans them 3-4 times a day, very, very meticulously. We change her toothbrush every month.
Then she said that our picture wasn't enough for her. We need to take another picture of them. Well, we went and paid 40 rubles, 60 kopecks and did it. But as it turned out, that's not all, you need to pay an additional 20 rubles for the description of the disc.
When asked if she would treat her daughter's tooth at all today... She started responding in scientific terms, so that I would probably get completely confused and not understand anything. BUT SHE DIDN'T ANSWER MY QUESTIONS, JUST IGNORING ME, while turning her back on me.
When I told her once again that you hadn't answered my question, she finally deigned to turn around and repeated the question 5 times.
Are you going to treat your tooth today? Why should she make a description now if you decide not to treat the tooth today? Since my daughter had a temporary seal, we will take it out and change it, since it cannot be left standing for a long time. Therefore, the picture will change. And that after coming to you, she will need to take a picture and a description again???
To which KOZLOVSKAYA replied with great displeasure, and during the treatment under a microscope, maybe 5-6 pictures will need to be taken and she will not be treated today.
You need to make an appointment for treatment, and it's about 1-15 months to wait.
When she saw that she couldn't get as much money from us as she wanted, her face didn't change for the better!!!
To all this, she and her assistant, who can be seen with the naked eye that they work in tandem with her to siphon money, constantly talked about dental prevention and special brushing. And that before treatment, it is IMPERATIVE to brush and treat all the teeth, and this is 240 rubles for a minute. And this should be done, as she claimed, every 3 months.
Fortunately, I was smart enough not to fall for it.
But the fact that there was a temporary seal, she didn't give a damn about it at all. Despite the fact that when I signed up for TREATMENT, I repeatedly repeated at the reception that my daughter was running out of time and we needed to treat one tooth under a microscope!!!
As a result, they didn't do ANYTHING at all.
And as it turned out, the entire consultation and examination under the camera of the entire mouth without my consent amounted to another plus 107 rubles.
To clarify, no one has even hinted that this kind of examination and consultation is worth the money. Not to mention specifically saying how much money it costs.
We gave 150 rubles to be paid as much as possible. BUT THEY DIDN'T PROVIDE ANY HELP TO THE CHILD! Plus the road from Molodechno to Minsk. For NOTHING and the disgusting behavior of the doctor, plus the road, we had to pay 190 rubles.
The center itself is not in the best condition. The renovation is old, the toilet is all shabby. Being in this center creates the impression of a dirty institution, as everything is old.
Reception is a separate state for them. Who do NOT KNOW what friendliness is from the word at ALL .
When I arrived in our city, I applied to 2 different clinics with the conclusion of the Kozlovskaya doctor, where I had a thorough examination. And both clinics were shocked by what KOZLOVSKAYA wrote. No one agreed with any of the diagnoses. There are 2 small darkenings in question and those that just need to be observed, nothing needs to be treated. And not 11 caries, which must be treated according to Kozlovskaya!!!
And everyone unanimously claimed that the child has a VERY well-groomed mouth and strong good enamel.At the same time, pointing out that CORRUPTION is visible to the naked eye in this conclusion.
If it were possible to put MINUS 5, I would send minus 1000.
A good medical center.The attitude is respectful , the atmosphere is pleasant , calm ) There is free private parking, which helps a lot, since the medical center is located in the city center.She visited the medical center for ultrasound examinations of the fetus during pregnancies , consulted an endocrinologist and performed a CT scan of the teeth . The medical center is decent 👍
I visited this institution on a recommendation, rather even in the direction). I think this is one of the best, if not the best, examples of paid medicine. Everything has been thought out to the smallest detail, starting from the code to the parking barrier, and ending with the exit from the institution. Polite, quiet, stylish