Non-professional operators work at the Fastovsky branch of the New Post office to receive parcels. I understand that there are Rules for forwarding, but probably at least sometimes, it's worth turning on your brains. They have repeatedly offered to pack items in a box that can be sent in their branded package. I still understand if these are some kind of breakable, fragile objects... But when they are sent solid, sometimes packed in their native cardboard packaging and packed in another box, then this is already insanity! For a long period of time, I often use the services of New Mail (mainly in Kiev), but I met with such would-be parcel receivers only in Fastov... So dear customers of the New Post office in Fastov, if you want to send by mail, say, a pack of cigarettes or toothpaste, a pack of noodles, etc. be prepared for the fact that you will have to pack it in another box. And in order not to look for it in the surrounding area or pay extra money for it at the post office, my advice to you is to come to the fast branch of the New Post office with your own box! (just in case :)))