Level of training:master's, bachelor's, postgraduate education, specialist degree, doctorate
Form of teaching:external studies, evening, remote, correspondence, full-time, part-time
Training areas:human resource management, informatics, system analysis and control, manufacturing machinery and equipment, electrical power engineering, materials science and technology of new materials, instrumentation, transport, electrical engineering, electromechanics and electrotechnics, textile and light industry technology, electronics and microelectronics, telecommunications, commerce, economics, management, jurisprudence, psychology, political science, journalism, lnguistics, theology, mathematics, air and space operations technology, mechanics, applied mathematics, construction, automation and control, vehicle operation, metrology, standardization and certification
Исторические здания восхитительны. Культурное наследие архитектуры. Умело совмещенное переходами с новыми простроями. Касаемо образования ничего не скажу - но не вижу шатающихся с пивасиком студентов в округе))