В стоматологии "ВестМедСервис" работают детские стоматологи, которые предварительно пообщаются с ребенком, создадут дружественную и благоприятную атмосферу.
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Хирургическая стоматология
Амбулаторная хирургия, удаление зубов
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Цельнокерамические виниры как способ эстетической реставрации зубов сейчас становится очень популярным.
Сейчас это самый прогрессивный способ сделать свою улыбку идеальной, а зубы – ровными и белыми, какими бы они ни были изначально.
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Протезирование на имплантатах
Протезирование на имплантатах
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Терапевтическое лечение зубов
Мы всегда рады помочь вам стать обладателем блистательной улыбки и здоровых зубов. Для этого рекомендуется делать плановые осмотры и диагностику зубов для своевременного лечения
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Лечение беременных
Лечение зубов во время беременности допускает такие мероприятия:
-лечение пародонтоза и кариеса;
-удаление зубов;
-установление брекетов;
-лечение воспаления дёсен и зубов.
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Имплантация All-on-4 и All-on-6
Имплантация All-on-4 и All-on-6
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Работу со скайсами лучше доверить врачам-стоматологам. Если вы не хотите, чтобы ваше украшение после приклеивания быстро отвалилось или была повреждена поверхность зуба, обращайтесь к профессионалам, которые тщательно следят за качеством услуг.
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Компьютерная 3D томография
Трёхмерная реконструкция делает диагностику заболеваний челюстно-лицевой области на порядок более информативной, т.к. позволяет изучить исследуемую область под любым углом, во всех плоскостях и на любом срезе.
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Лечение кариеса без бормашин
Это инновационная методика в стоматологии, позволяющая вылечить кариес без сверления тканей зуба и установки пломб.
I came to the clinic for an X-ray of the jaw. The staff at the reception was friendly, and the clinic itself is clean and well-groomed, there are no complaints about the overall picture. However, unfortunately, there was an unpleasant situation with one of the employees in the X-ray room.
I went into the office, greeted him and informed him that this was my first visit. When I was wearing radiation protection, my hair was accidentally hooked with Velcro, but there was no apology — not critical. However, when I went to the machine, the employee did not give me any instructions. Not knowing what to do, I asked, "Where should I stand?" To which the employee started talking at the same time as me, and after that she said, "Maybe you'll be quiet? Maybe I'm talking and you're listening to me?" It was extremely rude and unpleasant.
I did not like this attitude at all, and after that I had no desire to return to this clinic. It's a pity, because in general the clinic is not bad, but the incident with rudeness left an unpleasant impression.
A disgusting place, which I do not recommend visiting as much as possible.
I came to the appointment at 14:00, and eventually got to 15:00, because the workers, due to their inattention, accepted another person and made all the entries in my medical card. The doctors were not at all confused that the year of birth was written on the card, but for some reason a 50-year-old woman was sitting in their chair. As a result, the time spent and nothing was offered as an apology.
It is better not to have any business with this office.
It was the first time- I liked everything. The receptionist (unfortunately did not look at the name on the badge)very polite, initially there was no record, she called me back and found the window the very next day. The doctor Irina Alexandrovna consulted in detail before the procedure.The seal was placed in 25 minutes without any pain or discomfort at all.The guarantee was provided, the prices are acceptable. Thank you very much to the employees of Westmedservice, I recommend it