The lower Temple of Khafra, located next to the Great Sphinx and the Pyramid of Khafren in Giza, is one of the most impressive and mysterious structures of Ancient Egypt. This temple was built to serve the cult of Pharaoh Khafren, the son of Pharaoh Cheops and the father of Pharaoh Mikerin.The lower temple of Khafra impresses with its size and architecture. It consists of several halls and corridors decorated with numerous reliefs and inscriptions. The reliefs tell about the life and deeds of Pharaoh Khafren, and the inscriptions contain prayers and spells aimed at ensuring the well-being of the Pharaoh in the afterlife.The architecture of the temple attracts special attention. It is made of limestone and granite, and its columns and pylons are decorated with images of the Pharaoh and the gods. The temple has a characteristic shape for ancient Egyptian architecture — an elongated rectangle with a flat roof.A visit to the Lower Temple of Khafra leaves an unforgettable impression. This is a place where you can touch the history of Ancient Egypt and feel its greatness and beauty.