Никонов Игорь Олегович @nikonov.kz - заведующий отделением хирургии , врач хирург высшей категории, MD, проводит различные операции, в том числе лапароскопическим методом.Малоинвазивные вмешательства применяют для лечения:
острого и хронического
Dear Igor Olegovich!
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you for your attention, professionalism and care. Your knowledge, communication skills and patience not only helped me solve the problem, but also gave me confidence in a speedy recovery.
Your dedication and attention to each patient leave a deep impression. Thank you for your patience, support and for all the efforts you have made for my health.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your work, humanity and sensitivity. You are a true professional, and I am proud to have fallen into your hands.
Dear Margarita Muratovna, as well as the medical staff of the Keruen-Medicus surgical department, I would like to express my gratitude for their sensitivity, patient care, high professionalism, teamwork and team spirit. Being in the department, it immediately became clear that I was in safe hands, and your work was worthy of honor and respect!
I wish you further development and success in your important and responsible work. Thank you for your hard work, human attitude and love for your profession.
With respect and gratitude,
Tatiana V.