Романтический квест, где вы сможете в вашей второй половинкой лучше узнать друг друга.
105 Br
Соревновательный квест для 2-х пар "Двойное свидание"
“Двойное свидание” - соревновательный квест для пар или друзей. Подойдет для тех пар, которые состоят в романтических отношениях и хотят нестандартно провести вечер; или для тех, которые состоят в браке, но хотят испытать новые ощущения.
Quest types:For dates, harry potter, adventures, competitive, for adults, for corporate events, with children, quiz, for schoolchildren, quests, for teenagers
A super-unusual experience. We went on a date with my husband in the dark and were incredibly delighted with everything that happened. It was getting more and more interesting by the minute to see what would happen next. Time flew by unnoticed. All the tasks are well thought out. They seem to be light, but at the same time they tighten and maintain the intrigue. Especially before going here, I did not look for any information about what happens on a date in the dark and I am very happy about it, I got double pleasure from the anticipation of the unknown)
So far, we've only gone on a date, but we plan to attend other events - well, it's a very original and exciting pastime)
A great alternative to going to the cinema or cafe, it leaves a lot of emotions and impressions. In general, I recommend it 👍👍👍
We were at a concert in the dark on October 11, 2024.
One of the advantages is the cool tenants.
The rest is trash. A stuffy small room without ventilation, in which the air conditioner drives cold air, but there is not enough oxygen. Neither my companion nor I felt any sensations from the music in the dark, I wanted to get up and leave the whole concert from the stuffiness.
Cheap amateur activity in bringing people into the hall and seating in the dark, in chains of 12 people, with a hand on the shoulder of the person in front. It's such a circus for grown-up people …
In general, objectively, we would love to go to a normal place for this cover, listen and dance. The only thing I wanted after this concert was to take a shower, it felt like being in a damp basement…
We definitely won't go any more and I won't advise my friends.