Янтарный бульон с пластинками нежной телятины и тонко раскатанным домашним тестом
260 с200 g
Янтарный бульон с ребрышками баранины, картофелем и морковью
280 с200 g
Босо-лагман с телятиной
Яркое насыщенное блюдо с телятиной, овощами и домашней лапшой с пикантно острыми специями
345 с350 g
Гюро-лагман с телятиной
Яркий подлив из нежной телятины и свежих овощей (болгарский перец, полугорький перец, капуста басяй, чеснок) и зелени, обжаренных на открытом огне с ароматными специями. Cяй, который подаётся с упругой лапшой, которую мы тянем только вручную. Сяй и л
335 с350 g
Изделие из теста во фритюре
95 с200 g
Слоеная лепешка из тонко раскатанных слоев пресного теста, приготовленная на сковороде (1 шт.)
170 с140 g
Самса Алатская
Самса, приготовленная из тонко раскатанного пресного теста, начиненная сочной начинкой из рубленой отборной телятины (говядины), репчатого лука и ломтика помидора. К блюду рекомендуем аджику из спелых томатов (1 шт.)
120 с100 g
Чебуреки с курицей и сыром
Чебуреки с курицей и сыром сочетают в себе нежность и пряный вкус. Сочная начинка из курицы с добавлением сыра делает чебуреки ещё более аппетитными и сытными (3 шт.)
Great place! The food is excellent, the price tag is good by cafe standards, the staff is excellent, the background music surprised - it doesn't seem to be lo-fi, but not intrusive. The decoration is beautiful (fir trees on the street). Note: large portions, always take half a portion (lower price tag) and it is advisable not to take many dishes per person if you do not want to take half with you like we do. The only thing I didn't like was "begging" for a review on 2GIS (I don't write there)
In general, this particular place was recommended to us by a taxi driver, we talked for a very long time, I asked where to eat exactly the local cuisine that he likes himself and he suggested this place purely in his own way.
Personally, I have five stars. The staff is lovely, very friendly.
We tried beshbarmak- I liked it, the wife took manta rays - by the way, they turned out to be the best of all the establishments that we visited in Bishkek, and she is a fastidious lady. In general, we gathered a lot of food, did not calculate our stomachs, we had to take them with us. The portions are quite generous, keep this in mind when ordering.
We were there in June, in the afternoon, the heat was wild, and there was air conditioning and so on. By the way, there is a children's room, so the children have something to do.
Near the toilet there is something like a tray with souvenir decorations if anyone needs it.
In Kyrgyzstan, delicious food is prepared at the market, in Navat and at home🙂 We went to Navat more often. This teahouse is online, it is predictable, beautiful, polite
and ... very tasty. I started posting photos on the internet, everywhere - with my mouth full: pilaf, shish kebab and delicious eggplant in a caramel crust🙃🙃🙃