Индивидуальные занятия с логопедом в игровой форме, бережно и эффективно наш специалист поможет сделать речь ребенка качественной. Вопросы с которыми помогаем: Запуск речи, маленький запас слов, невнятная речь, постановка и автоматизация звуков и др
40 Br1 ac.hour
Играй-сад (2-3,5 года)
Ребенок играет - мама отдыхает!
Несколько часов развивающих игр в компании других малышей и заботливой ведущей подарят маме спокойное время на себя, а дети проведут его с максимальной пользой для разностороннего развития в кругу сверстников
35 Br2 h
Танцы топ-хлоп! (2,5-4 года)
занятия танцами Топ-хлоп развивают: гибкость и чувство ритма; уверенность в себе; хорошую осанку; выносливость и координацию; ассоциативную память
социальные навыки
It is with great pleasure that we have been going to classes with our children at this center for a year now. Olga is an amazing teacher who perfectly engages children in the learning process through play. They learn songs, poems, learn shapes, vegetables, fruits, berries, counting, etc., make creative crafts, applications from various materials, conduct creative experiments. The lesson is divided into blocks, there is a constant change of activity, so even the youngest do not have time to get tired or bored. Olga is able to find an approach to a variety of children, the atmosphere in the classroom is as friendly as possible. As a mother, I see the positive results of my kids, and they, in turn, run to classes with great joy.
We visited
the Nashi Detki development center with our daughter for a whole year and were very satisfied. The classes were held in the mom + kid format and I had the opportunity to appreciate the attentive and reverent attitude towards all the children.We went to each class as if it were a holiday, we always knew that something new and interesting was waiting for us, the theme of the classes was not repeated all year, which amazed me very much. In addition to the classes themselves, there were many additional interesting activities every season, in which we always participated. The children's development center
"Our Children" and Olga herself remained in our hearts, we are very grateful for your work and attentive attitude
These were our first developments when my son turned 1.7.
Olga's attitude (the founder of the center) was the warmest and kindest. She was always attentive to her son, helped, explained, and suggested some points to me. She always answered questions.
Thanks to Our children, my son developed attentiveness and always walked with interest, without protests and tantrums.
I was satisfied.
I thank Olga for such a big and necessary thing for the kids.