A good shop within walking distance from the house. There are basic products, there are a few household chemicals and personal hygiene items. In general, the prices are plus or minus as everywhere else. There were good prices for blueberries in the season. Among the disadvantages - there are long queues in the evening, fresh vegetables and fruits are not always of good quality. Opening hours are from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m., you will always have time to go in to buy what you forgot.
• The selection of products is scarce, but the store is the same size. The necessary is available.
• Staff, surprisingly not "In the sense of cancellation?" but calm and friendly.
• Convenient, not far from homes, for some even in the house.
• The choice of meat is small, but still everything is delicious, but if you do not do it, it will do.
• In a small store, it is easy to monitor the delay and quality. That's why the quality is excellent.
• Queues sometimes appear, but they immediately open a second cash register, by the way there are 2 of them.