The company causes serious complaints. The contract is drawn up inadequately. There are no clear criteria for insurance coverage, which is confusing. When you contact the support service to find out information about the coverage of doctor visits and drug insurance, you only get false answers. Employees do not have sufficient knowledge about insurance plans. As a result, after signing the contract, it turns out that the situation is actually the opposite: insurance covers only 2 visits to one specialist, regardless of the package level (Premium or Comfort), and medicines, of course, are not included in the coverage list. The only exception is if you work for an organization where your employer provides a high-quality insurance plan. In this case, the insurance works properly. However, if you have an individual insurance plan, you should seriously consider whether to contact such companies.
Худший сервис - который можно представить со стороны страховой, видимо они делают все вручную. Для того что бы согласовать очередную процедуру приходится звонить 2-5 раз. Почему? Потому что у них нет определителя номера телефона и они не способны понять что вы у них обслуживаетесь, и вместо согласования с врачем или просто уточнения вам задает вопросы какой то оператор и обещает, что врач перезвонит. Естественно он вам не перезвонит (перезванивает в 60% случаев) и вам придется точно ждать неопределенное время (от часа до суток) пока вы сможете задать свой маленький вопрос.
Рекомендация - сделайте определитель номера и уберите человека, который ничего не делает кроме как уточняет мои реквизиты, тратит время и отдаляет процесс согласования.
Disgusting insurance company, if you think that you want to take out medical insurance from them, you'd better find another company.
No matter how many times we called the insurance company to make an appointment with some doctor, there was NEVER any feedback!We had to call ourselves the next day and ask if we were signed up or not! And as a result: during the day, they did not send an appointment request to a specialist to any hospital!
It's just the time spent on calls and disassembly, why they don't do their job on time, never call back themselves and solve the issue on the spot!
It's better to pass by if you want to keep your nerves and health))))))