I would like to express my deep gratitude to Nail store for excellent service and high-quality products! I am always sure that I will buy fresh and delicious products here. Sellers always warn me if something is coming to the end of its shelf life, so I can plan my purchases.
I would especially like to mention the wide range of products that are always available. Here you can find everything you need to prepare a variety of dishes. In addition, the prices of the products are quite affordable, which is also a big plus.
The store staff is always friendly and ready to help with the selection of products. The service is at a high level, which makes visiting the store pleasant and comfortable.
I can confidently recommend the Nail store to anyone who appreciates the quality, freshness of products and excellent service.
NAIL is the most popular store in our area, here you can buy fresh produce, milk, sausages,bread and bakery products, drinks and many more different products, very positive, friendly sellers, so we will go to Nail with pleasure
A very good store, friendly staff, polite, everything suits us, we are glad that he is available to us, an excellent owner and his family ,wonderful people, thank you very much to them