I liked everything very much, we were with the children of 5 and 3 years old. The entrance was free for children, mothers for 7p. It's very cheap even. The children went in, watched, climbed, entered the wagons (only one was open for viewing, the rest only through the glazed window), of course I would like to touch and sit in the wagons more. In general, it is very interesting to go and spend your leisure time this time. There are many stands with interesting information. The museum on the territory is free to visit. The bell was struck, and the children remembered it very much. If you go without children, then I would take a guide, I think you would learn a lot of interesting things. But with children listening and going to consider, it's just unrealistic. There is also a bathroom on site. I was very pleased with the availability of toilet paper, as well as the place was clean, but there was no hand soap, and after the locomotives we were all dirty. There is still not enough cafe. It was closed. The children, very hungry, began to whine. That was the end of our walk, we went to the city to look for food😉