Выноски (стропы) для гроба (5,5 м) выполнены из суровой бязи, плотностью 105г/м с черной устойчивой печатью, в упаковке 2 штуки.
45 Br
Матрас в гроб
Матрас на дно гроба. Материал: термостежка атласная.
15 Br
Погребальный набор православный
Погребальный набор мужской;с молитвой.В набор входит:крест в руку;иконка;крестик нательный;cвечи.Погребальный набор необходимы ритуальный атрибут для покойного.
Payment method:discounts on services preferential categories, prepayment, postpay, cash, payment by card, bank transfer, installment, cashless payment, online, QR code, payment by credit card
For events such as funerals, a more well-coordinated agency, reasonable prices, careful and attentive attitude to the deceased and to our loved ones, it seems to me, cannot be found in Minsk. I was even surprised that we were so lucky to meet responsible people. Our loved one was brought from the suburbs (50 km from Minsk). They cooperate with the BWC on Olshevsky at state rates. Supporting documents are attached. The death certificate was wrapped in a good cover. According to the time of the whole procession, everything was on time, neatly, without haste. The relatives had enough time to say goodbye. And this is valuable. For all that has been done for us, thanks to Evgeny Skachek and the MFC-Ritual team.
We applied on the recommendation of friends. It is immediately noticeable that these are professionals in their field. No fuss, everything is clear, according to plan. We were able to fully focus on saying goodbye to our loved ones without worrying about organizational issues. Thank you for your work.
We sincerely thank you for your help in organizing the funeral of our loved one. All the events were organized with respect. The center provided all the necessary services quickly and efficiently. Separately, I would like to note the goodwill and understanding of the staff who helped us at every stage. Thank you for your professionalism and support.