A great pet store, a lot of things that are not in the city, are always available here. The prices are not bad, the sellers are polite and responsive. I'm happy with the place.
Konstantin and Elena in this store are just super!!!! The store is at the highest level!!! All the super premium feeds in this store!!! There are many more different animals!!! There are fish, parrots, guinea pigs, rats and so on. Lots of clothes for cats and dogs of different sizes. Everything is fine!!! My favorite store!!!!
Friendly and helpful staff.
Requests for vacap are processed quickly.
They left the country, left the animals under the supervision of their grandmother, but forgot to see how much food was left.
Through vacap, the issue was resolved, a transfer was made to the Caspian Sea, a store employee brought food home (a large bag of 10 kg for a dog and 5 kg of cat food).
Many thanks for your promptness and understanding.
When they came to the store with a dog, they never left the store without gifts and gifts.