The other day, we (a group of teachers from the capital and beyond) visited an enterprise with a somewhat unusual technology for evaporating underground deposits of rock salt -Mozyrsol. During our entire stay at the enterprise, we did not regret choosing such an object of the tour. So many positive emotions! The salt is evaporated from a depth of more than 1000 m, and then the concentrate is dried (dehydrated) on the surface and given a marketable appearance (what we see in trade). Technological processes are almost completely atomized. The workshops are sterile, as if electronic chips are collected here, and not sodium chloride (NaCl)) they bring it to mind - they give it a consumer look. By the way, there is no rust anywhere on metal equipment.Everything is provided, since salt is a very active (oxidizer) chemical compound. Which is interesting. for such a "narrow" product as salt, the plant offers consumers a wide range of salt names.There are no problems with the sale of marketable products on both domestic and foreign markets - even to countries where their reserves of this raw material are huge. This indicates the high consumer qualities of the plant's products. The company has decent salaries with mind-blowing staff bonuses (no smoking - an additional 300 rubles per month). There is no more effective means of saving personal health. I suppose that when going on a work shift, none of the staff "breaks their heads" about what to take with them for lunch. Not only is the menu in the factory canteen with a large assortment, but its price is symbolic. This is all thanks to the bonuses for those working at the enterprise. Therefore, the queues for employment for vacant places are not decreasing.Why not be proud of such a management system!
It's warm and cozy. You can eat tasty and inexpensive food in the dining room.
There are coolers freely available, waiting areas with sofas and chairs. The elevator is not working :( But they promise to do it before the new year