I do not advise, it takes 3 days to check the spare parts, during this period they change without problems, but there is a problem - I bought the Gur twice, as a result I paid twice for its installation, in the first case the steering wheel turned with difficulty, the Gur was changed, the second time after a week the Gur was covered, the result was all the oil squeezed out of the tank and scattered according to the engine compartment, the belt was devoured, plus extra money for a new gur and its installation, as well as a bunch of tips and predictions from Stoshnikov about the need to sell the car due to frequent breakdowns. Krch is shoved into a used ear of poor quality.
Машина попала к этим ребятам случайно. Привезли на эвакуаторе до ближайшего СТО по замене движка. Когда ехали забирать, начитались негативных отзывов и даже стало страшно. На деле оказалось: ребята толковые, двигатель уже 1,5 месяца работает как часы. Перестал жрать масло. Делали ТО так выхлоп значительно ниже предельно допустимых показателей. Большое спасибо и успехов вам!