Valor, courage and self-sacrifice. We were very impressed. There was a feeling that those who died there were somewhere nearby. And we adults behaved so quietly, as if we were afraid to break this silence and peace. We saw the children's honor guard. The State teaches children to remember and honor the memory of the departed military and civilians. We managed to visit the memorial quickly, because we didn't have time. We want to visit here again and with a guide.
A wonderful place, a wonderful city, a wonderful country. I have long dreamed of visiting Belarus, Brest. For me, these places are connected with the memory of my grandfather. Somewhere in the fields of Belarus, liberating it from the fascist invaders, he lost his arm.... I bow low to you, Belarusians, for so tenderly and carefully preserving the memory of the Soviet soldiers who laid down their heads on your land.
Finally, another dream of mine came true - to visit the site of the heroic battle in the FORTRESS OF HERO BREST.
I took all my grandchildren and visited a nice place on vacation. We listened to the tour, joined those WELL-WORN STONES. It is impossible to convey all the solemnity and admiration for the defenders of the Motherland. There is a great benefit in the patriotic upbringing of grandchildren, and he himself was deeply touched by the details of the events of those times.