Только вы и она, и синее-синее бесконечное и безмятежное небо... И солнечные лучи, теплые, нежные, заливающие всю эту синеву...
И это лучшее место, чтобы сказать ей те самые заветные слова и услышать такое трепетное взволнованное "ДА!"
1200 Br1 pcs.
Свидание на воздушном шаре
Полет для двоих на воздушном шаре в составе сборной группы до 5 человек.
И пусть в корзине аэростата будут еще пассажиры, ничего не имеет значения, когда рука в руке и одно на двоих синее бесконечное небо.
700 Br1 pcs.
Семейный полет на воздушном шаре
Полет на воздушном шаре для семьи- 2 взрослых и 1 ребенок до 18 лет
Захватывающее приключение и яркие совместные воспоминания!
THANK YOU VERY MUCH to our team- Ruslan and pilot Inna, polite and professional, we swam at dawn today, a wonderful women's team turned out in my balloon, a cheerful minibus with a beautiful girl pilot, all pleasant, all the girls flew one at a time, it was comfortable, it was not scary to fly calmly, it turned out a cool route from Tarasovo to Zaslavl rowing channel, waved to the rowing students from the ball, they responded). 45 minutes have passed, they fly on different routes, the route is dictated by the wind. According to the record, I had to wait about a month until the turn came on the list, Ruslan called the pick-up point a day and a day. In the end, they drank champagne, and on their knees they passed the rite of initiation with an unexpected twist, I will not say what))) The best morning, I had a childhood dream come true. The waiting for the recording was worth it. and the price is now affordable. You're cool!And respect to the girl who catches a basket with a man on the landing. The girls from the team - you know how to surprise. Ruslan and the other men from the team also have great respect. Everything is organized perfectly
09.09 an incredible balloon flight took place, now I will tell you my impressions:
Let's start with the service. The manager turned out to be very competent, answered all my questions in detail and tried to do everything possible to make the flight take place exactly on the right date for me.
Then the pilot Ruslan contacted me, who advised me about the weather and the flight itself.
09.09 we arrived at the appointed place, where we were met, provided blankets for us to keep warm, given the early flight at dawn of the day and the team began to inflate the Balloon.
At the moment when the balloon was inflated, we were photographed. Photographer Anna turned out to be a professional in her field, she easily and naturally took great pictures, both on the ground and in the air, did not compulsively lead the process, while the photo process itself did not take much time, and we enjoyed the incredible flight and beauty of the landscapes opening before our eyes.
The flight itself turned out to be simply amazing, as the pilot said, it can't be compared to anything and you can only feel it by trying. The four of us flew in a hot air balloon, and the atmosphere was very pleasant and relaxed. The pilot Ruslan expertly controlled the balloon and answered our questions, it was INCREDIBLE!
Next, we were initiated into balloonists, performed a special ceremony, poured sparkling champagne and, finally, they also drove us to the side of the house, to the nearest metro line, so that it would be more convenient for us to get there.
The team turned out to be friendly and very pleasant, from the conversations it could be concluded that the guys were friends with each other and were passionate about their business, which is rare nowadays, they exuded friendliness, warmth and sincerity.
Summing up, I want to say that if you have doubts about flying or not, then the answer is DEFINITELY YES and definitely in this company. I want to say thank you again for this opportunity, such emotions and such a cool service!!!!!
I was planning to propose marriage in a hot air balloon flight. After a long wait for a flight from another company (not very conscientious, as it turned out), I decided to contact nashare.by . And from the first call I realized that this is exactly the team we need! We planned the flight, discussed all the details. Ruslan's advice on how to make an offer helped a lot. So always specify what you are planning, they will definitely advise and help you!
By organization. I was pleasantly surprised here! Everything was planned at the highest level, but not least, there was a caring and friendly atmosphere that did not leave until the very end.
About the important points that have been resolved. I didn't know what to do with the bouquet, but they helped me out! The bouquet was taken from the store and handed over immediately after the flight. It's also very cool that there was a transfer! They took it from the house itself and took it back! We offered a photographer who flew with us in a basket! Wonderful photos were taken before the launch, during the flight and after the flight. Thanks to Alexandra!)
About the flight. The flight itself was 200 out of 10, as my soulmate says! The mesmerizing views, the dawn, and the pleasant pilot Inna and photographer Alexandra charged this morning and the whole day with positivity! There were no embarrassments, no hitches. They were like old friends!) the landing was cool, with new sensations, I really liked it!
After the flight, in addition to the dedication to aeronautics, a gift was presented in honor of our important event, which was pleasant and very unexpected!
I am very glad that I hoped for luck and I was lucky! And I was absolutely lucky with the whole team! Thank you all very much!