There is a very large market: clothes, toys, bed linen, sweets. But the best thing is vegetables, fruits, nuts, etc. The assortment is similar, but before buying it is better to go through the entire market and get a price. There are significantly fewer people in the morning, and by six o'clock in the evening there is already a crush.
Here you just need to be able and know how to buy. They will always name a high price and you need to bargain. Look at the prices in regular stores first! For example, praise was bought for 400 lire /kg, when in other places it was 1500-3000
Sellers do not particularly dare and do not bother, you can safely choose. There are no branded items here, just a replica. But there are different fruits, coffee, etc. The market is opened at night and it is 500 meters long
A very good market. Local Turks come with their goods. We were in October-very tasty strawberries, good avocados.
The choice of vegetables, fruits, and greens is huge.
You can also buy cheese, butter, and an egg.