There is a statue of the Big Buddha on Pratamnak Hill, which Thais call Luang Phor Yhai, and tourists call Big Buddha in the English manner. Initially, the huge statue, 15 meters high and 10 meters wide, was white in color, but later it was painted with gold paint.
Nowadays, religious Thais come here to pray and lay flowers, and tourists ask the Buddha to grant a wish, purify karma, visit souvenir shops and explore the surroundings from the observation deck. To establish a belief in the fulfillment of a wish, to receive the blessing of a monk, to make an offering to his Buddha, to throw a coin in his stomach, and so on. The territory is beautiful, the statues are being tinted, but it's worth going down the steps of the mountain of garbage made of red fanta, dry wreaths and wish fulfillment notes. The second level is where the prayer rooms are very dirty, there is a chain of sacred bonsos, go around in a circle clockwise.
The beauty is indescribable! Of course, the greatest interest was in the Buddha for wish fulfillment with a hole in his stomach. It is very interesting and exciting to throw coins into his stomach for the fulfillment of desires. Apparently, it's even more interesting to visit there with an excursion, but I myself admired the statues and the beautiful view of the city in my mode