There is a children's and youth Lifestyle group here! Under the direction of choreographer Lyra Renatovna! There is a large spacious hall with a stage. There is a cafe.
How many concerts were held there in the 90s and 00s. It was very intense. After modernization, sometimes something also takes place in today's time. But the sound is definitely better and better now.
We need more concerts and all kinds of performances.
Bukhara Youth Center:
I also consider the center, which hosts various holidays and events, to be a center that stimulates the intellectual development of young people. "This is my personal opinion."
There are excellent horizontal bars on the side of this building, the best in the city, I would say. And there are also many circles and several sections, you can find something of your own
The Palace of Culture, where Vysotsky gave his concerts, was actually filmed in Bukhara, in this place. The former Gas Workers' House of Culture. Perhaps it was here that Vysotsky was supposed to give his concerts in July 1979, when he was struck down by a long-standing illness, 30 years later the filmmakers returned here - the film "Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive" 2011