Probably not the whole range was seen by me, but it is so praised here. I didn't see anything modern, such fabrics are going out of fashion in interior and design magazines. All the boxes are in the Moscow region, obviously Belarusians do not need it, it is visible, the mass market and others use bright prints.
They make repairs only in offices so that the computer does not fail.
There is not even a dining room on the territory, the employees have a place to eat - another storage room and a light bulb will soon burn out there. Everyone is stuck with politics and ideological issues, they are not interested in modernization.
Soviet heritage, light industry. I was on the territory, I was struck by how it still works, most likely due to the experience and professionalism of the staff, who have been working for dynasties of several generations. The products are decent, but the shop at the factory is a stupid warehouse, with stacks of rolls of fabrics, but the prices are pleasant
Доставлял срочный груз
Принимает нач цеха в прединфарктном состоянии: с машины в цех , станки стоят, производство в опасности остановки
Как будто в СССР вернулся на миг.
Респект Людям с большой буквы которые не жалея,,живота,, своего так ратуют за свою работу!!!
Пы.сы. не реклама, за 45 лет жизни помню только два костюма, шлюбны и ,,у люди,,
Моготэкс ...
Внатуре без бэ, качество проверенное временем!!!
Пы.пы.сы. часто встречаются такие ответственные руководители, ВСЕМ ОГРОМНОЕ СПАСИБО ЗА ТО ЧТО ВЫ ДЕЛАЕТЕ!!!
Не за страх, но за совесть!!!