A very friendly and competent team. They treat patients carefully. After the renovation, it became very cozy in the clinic. It's bright, everything is clean and tidy everywhere.
Hello, the clinic has terrible service, my husband goes to the doctors for the second week with a headache, they didn't give him sick leave that week, today they also send him from office to office, and even tell him where the treatment is, where the sick leave is, why this attitude, why they generally sit in their offices, do nothing if they want to, they need to call the hotline, it's terribly simple
I work in the service sector for 12 hours on my feet. My PCOS was removed, my menisci are torn. The second operation is at the end of December. With this diagnosis, the sick list was closed. They said you can go to work. There are no good specialists. Not a clinic, but 9 circles of hell.