this may be your worst choice. Don't repeat my mistakes. this lyceum is for smoky and drugged fools, they don't teach there at all.
We ran out of software at the end of our first year. the master went on maternity leave, we were not given a new one until the end of the third year) That is, consider that you came to the lyceum, received a certificate about your profession and went for a walk home.
teachers corresponding to the place, 0 literacy and wisdom, they became the same herd of sheep with whom they had to work for years, so they became like cattle in its extreme manifestation.
We have come to submit documents..I liked everything, especially the attitude of the commission..They told me everything, prompted me..Other colleges snorted..They write here that it is an ordinary habza, but even in habza you can become a test specialist if you want to..It all depends on the students, not the college
The worst place to study, if you want to enroll here, consider it the Hunger games, education is the worst, youngsters get pregnant here on the right and on the left, problems with alcohol and drugs, you can't find a worse place than this college (brothel), do not act remyatki. It 's better to go far away, the main thing is not here 💋