We are faced with the problem of the doctor's rude and indifferent attitude towards the patient. And I didn't really want to treat it, I said with my eyes rolled up that this caries should not be cleaned, watch. As a result, she insisted that the caries be cured. They have already despaired of ever going there. The child was scared.
But they found it on the recommendation of a doctor who found an approach and can negotiate with children without shouting and rudeness. I express my gratitude to the doctor Shelkovskaya.
There is a newance in this clinic, you always call at 7.30, already 20 in the queue for a call. As a result, it is not realistic to sign up. There are few coupons to the right attending physician. The problem is that not everyone wants and can look for an approach and negotiate with children, this narrows the circle of doctors to whom to go.
There is parking, one-way traffic. There are practically no queues. The reception is timed. Doctors are professionals, nurses are always friendly. Children are treated very carefully.
Pulling out teeth without tears! This is sooo important)
There are good specialists to whom you will not take a ticket. My son had an operation followed by the installation of a plate. The doctors are very competent. The only disadvantage is to take a ticket, because you need to arrive here by 06.00 and then there will be 10 people already waiting in front of you on the street.