Телефон в идеальном состоянии.
Все функции работают исправно.
Не ремонтировался и не вскрывался!
Аккумуляторная батарея 87%
32000 LE
iPhone 13 Pro Max, 512gb
В идеальном состоянии, во время эксплуатации появились мелкие царапинки.
Полностью исправно работает, без ремонтов и вскрытий.
Аккумуляторная батарея 88%
Полный комплект
38000 LE
iPhone 15, 256gb, black
В идеальном состоянии, без царапин.
Телефону два месяца.
Всё исправно работает.
Аккумуляторная батарея 100%
Полный комплект.
I gave Alexey a laptop, the problem was: the laptop turned on and immediately turned off. Alexey, fixed everything and reinstalled Windows, did the cleaning, etc. I am very happy, everything is working fine. It was done efficiently and promptly.
The master is just great. My daughter dropped her iPhone at 9 p.m. We found the master only at 10. We called on WhatsApp and agreed to meet in 40 minutes. I am very grateful to him for sending us a meeting. He had already left work, but returned and ordered a screen. And he did the job perfectly. One thing is, if the Egyptian said half an hour, it can take a very long time. We waited for the screen more. And I did the job in 20 minutes. Well done.
Alexey, thank you for your help with the laptop, for your time, and for an objective recommendation about its repair.
If anyone needs to apply for laptop repair, then I highly recommend it!