She went to room 107 with signs of a cold (stuffy nose, sore throat). They sent me a blood sample, and as a result, they gave me a certificate that they had consulted a doctor for medical help, prescribed xylin in the nose, and furasol to gargle 3 times a day.. How do I do this at work?? How to go to work, to sit sick next to healthy people.The next day, I called the doctor at home, the condition was even worse. I was given sick leave and prescribed an antibiotic. As a result, sinusitis.Xylin cannot cure sinusitis..
It is very pleasant that in this clinic there are warnings everywhere that pregnant women are served out of turn. Not all women know that they have such a right. And secondly, it helps to avoid misunderstandings in the queue. When I was pregnant, I felt safe in this clinic and went to the appointment with calmness and joy. Thank you 🌹