September 26, 2024. The neighborhood of Serebryanka, there was no hot water for a day. Information on the shutdown has not been announced anywhere... And in the evening, around 20.30, the hot one was turned off. Temporary drinking water supply points are not organized. There is no information on accidents on the website of the Minskvodokanal. They are doing well, resting. The control room of the Minsk Water Utility works until 17.00. it is useless to call doblessny 115. Even the robot died there, there are just short bursts.
On 09/10/2024, a locksmith for instrumentation and control, Votik A.I., replaced the meters for verification. I want to express my gratitude. The work was done perfectly, I conducted clarifications on taking readings. It's nice to see and communicate with such employees. Thank you.