We were examined at this institution (thoracic department) and were more than satisfied. I would like to express my special gratitude to Bibik Roman Igorevich. Everything was organized from start to finish. Roman Igorevich explained everything, told me, answered all the questions and even drew something that was not clear. Responsible, attentive and friendly. From the first words, he earned trust. In his spare time, he was responsive: it was possible to find out about the results of the examination, ask about the state of health, everything was discussed without aggression, kindly, professionally.
We regret that we could not operate here (due to the peculiarities of the disease), we are sure that we would have received postoperative treatment at the highest level too.
Thanks to the medical staff: nice, caring girls. There was always someone on duty, they always helped, clearly and clearly explained where to go, what to do and at what time.
We got here thanks to the head of the thoracic department. Vyacheslav Vladimirovich, thank you for inviting me to the right place.
Thanks to all this, we did not waste time on treatment.
Thank you💜
I sincerely thank you for your professional approach, for your kind, empathetic attitude and responsiveness, and for the tremendous support
of all the medical and administrative staff, Maria Mikhailovna Shepetko, Head of the Hematology department No. 5, and ESPECIALLY Ksenia, the day nurse!!!!
You are excellent specialists in your field. Treat each patient with an individual approach, you admire your dedication to your favorite business! I would like to express my special gratitude to Elena Leonidovna Zvereva, head of radiation therapy, for her professionalism, sensitive and kind attitude towards my son, and for all the kind words of support.YOU are the earthly angels of your clinic!!!!
I also want to express my special gratitude to your supervisor, Oleg Olegovich, director of the Minsk Scientific and Practical Center for Surgery, Transplantology and Hematology Rummo, for his responsiveness, for your professional team and for the space equipment that your center is equipped with!
I bow low to you all!!!
God bless you!!!
I would like to express my deep gratitude to the intensive care physician Harutyunyan D.E. A competent specialist, a caring person. I went to the intensive care unit in order to wake up, but due to a sharp increase in blood pressure and difficulty breathing, it was decided to leave me under observation for the night. During the whole time, the doctor was constantly nearby, monitored blood pressure levels, performed injections if necessary, looked at the ECG and gradually gave water to drink. By morning, my condition had stabilized. Here is such a wonderful, responsible and knowledgeable specialist.