It's a disgusting educational institution. Admission courses are bullshit. Even with paid tuition, you need to buy materials for practice, which are enough from teachers, you need to buy a laptop, even if you are studying at a teaching staff. You need to work in practice for the mgask workers, sweeping leaves, carrying bricks, mopping floors in workshops. You can get into the hostel by skipping classes and attending events, and in order to safely move out at the end of the year, you need to make a mini-renovation if you have settled into a more or less decent room. The dormitory itself is a nest of cockroaches, to which the head turns a blind eye and blames the students for the mess, which is why cockroaches appear) I advise you not to enroll in this educational institution if you want to save your nerves and money.
We went for a year before admission!!! for preparatory courses (1200 rubles), before admission, they paid for another month of intensive courses in subjects that need to be taken (700 rubles) The result is the first exam in drawing - 4!!! The question is , what was taught in the courses ???? I would understand if a child wrote an exam for 7, well, or 6....but 4!!! A waste of money and time! And by the way , we are not the only ones who passed the exam from those attending these courses !