Such a beautiful institution on the territory of the ancient Zhirovichi monastery. They conduct a tour of the institution and you can see a lot of interesting things from history and from the past
This is a seminary, where men and boys study to be a priest, an iconographer and a regent and a singing choir, and girls also study to be an iconographer, a regent and a singing choir, and church arts, there is a museum, and even a temple at the seminary in honor of the three saints was consecrated.
The only educational institution that provides knowledge that can be useful not only in this life, but also in the eternal one! A special atmosphere among the student fraternity, very exciting lectures and interesting teachers! The seminary also has a place for ordinary work in the field or in the monastery garden, creative work - in an icon painting workshop or in the editorial office of a student magazine - in general, it is interesting!)
I will compare it with the St. Petersburg Seminary, which I had to deal with about five or six years ago. It is easier to enroll in the Ministry of Education than in the SPbPDAiS, and to study too. The mode of residence of students in Zhirovichi is softer, the food is about the same. Unlike the St. Petersburg Seminary, students of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are involved in various jobs (obediences) in the economic part; these obediences are paid (albeit not very generously). The living conditions are acceptable: For the first two years, seminarians live in blocks of six people, then they are transferred to two-room blocks of two or three people per room. The food is four times a day, quite satisfying, it is not forbidden to go to the store (it is across the street from the seminary). They can be expelled for smoking and drunkenness (although they will warn you and give you a chance to reform). Those who wish can study regency and icon painting. The seminary has a well-equipped gym and sauna (although the pool is small).
The curriculum in all theological schools is about the same, it is difficult to evaluate it objectively, since one seminarian learns the same subject, as they say, "on the fly", and his fellow student will cram at night and not the fact that he will pass the first time. There is a faculty of Ecclesiastical Arts, where girls are admitted to the Iconography and Regency departments; this faculty is located separately from the main complex of the seminary - in the city of Slonim, on the territory of a convent.
The photo is not of a seminary, but of an Academy.
As for the seminary itself, it is a closed educational institution, therefore, the Zhirovichi Monastery is of the greatest interest to pilgrims; the only place where access is partially open.
But I'm still writing about the seminary. This is an amazing place, and it is amazing, oddly enough, for its mystery. The problem is that an ordinary student forms his opinion about the seminary on the basis of:1) guides, and they, for the most part, have at least the rudiments of artistry and pseudo—organization, and this image begins to be identified with all students; an obvious plus 2) choirs; talented guys performing liturgical chants in the concert repertoire is another plus to the positive image of the seminary. However, this is a false image. What really happens in the walls of the 18th century with European renovation is a mystery, which is better to remain so.
But I give 5 stars, because if you find yourself inside the seminary as a lay person, it may seem as if you were in a real Hogwarts; perhaps this will be a positive experience
+ you can come into contact with a lot of cool people for whom Christianity is not something abstract, but life itself :)