It's a very beautiful place. The historical building and national attributes look great. There are many minarets, mosques, national cafes and restaurants. You can buy a national headdress - a chugirma.
The minaret is impressive. I had a question: why is it so thick, but it turned out that it was just unfinished... If it had been completed, it would have been more than 70 meters and the tallest. It's just not clear how they planned to hear the muezzin from such a height? Microphones and speakers hadn't been invented yet. The whole is tiled, it is beautiful, but restoration is very necessary.
Xivadagi minoralarning eng mashhurlaridan biri - nihoyasiga etkazilmagan Kalta minor (Ko‘k minora yoki chala qolgan minor nomlari bilan ham aytiladi). Minora 1853 yilda Muxammad Aminxon tomonidan (shu nomli madrasa yonida) qurila boshlagan va 1855 yil Shimoliy Eronga yurish paytida xonning o‘ldirilishi va Abdullaxonning taxtga o‘tirishi bilan qurilish ishlari to‘xtab qolgan. Xalq ichida bu borada har xil rivoyat va afsonalar tarqalgan.
Emishki, Xiva xoni shaharda ulkan va baland minora qurilishini buyuradi “Uning tepasidan Buxoroi azim kurinib tursin” deb buyuradi. Bundan xabar topgan Buxoro amiri minora ustasi bilan kelishib, xuddi shunga o‘xshagan minorani Buxoroda ham qurishni reja qilishadi, evaziga ko‘p tilla beraman deb va’da qiladi. Bundan xabar topgan Xiva xoni minora bitkandan keyin ustani minoradan tashlashni buyuradi. Xon bunday minorani boshqa joyda takrorlanishini istamaydi. Buni bilib qolgan pastda ishlab yurgan ustalar yuqoriga katta ustaga xabar qilishadi, u bo‘lsa o‘ziga kerakli anjomlarni topishni aytib, o‘ziga qanot yasab uchib ketgan yoki arqonda osilib tushib ketgan, degan rivoyat va afsonalar mavjud.
Minora hozirgi paytda kesik konus shaklida. Hozirning o‘zida ham haybatli ko‘rinishga ega. Dinamik qisqarishiga qarab, bitkanida 100 metrga yaqin bo‘lib, dunyodagi eng katta va baland minora bo‘lishi mumkin edi. Hozirda eng baland minora Dehlidagi Qutb minorasi hisoblanadi, balandligi 72,5 metr, diametri 15,5 metr tepasidagi diametri esa 2,5 metr.
Muhammad Aminxon minorasining pastdagi diametri – 14,5 metr, balandligi – 29 metr, fundament chuqurligi – 15 metr.
The place is beautiful in every way. It was successfully highlighted in the evening. Traders, who are in clouds all over Khiva, are not intrusive, this pleases. Otherwise, they would have been distracting.
The old town of Khiva is very good. The Kalta Minor minaret stands out. He is beautiful at any time of the day or night. It is located near the observation deck, so you just can't pass by
The minaret will tell you about the history of Muhammad Khan, according to whose idea it was to become the tallest in the capital of Khorezm. That is why its base is so different from others in its diameter. For stability, it will go 15 m deep. However, Khan's death stopped its construction at an altitude of 29 m. Decorated with glazed tiles and majolica, it wonderfully fits into the ensemble of ancient buildings. While in Khiva, you will repeatedly return to the minaret, marveling at its uniqueness.
An impressive structure! It looks great especially in the evening. Like the whole of Khiva, surrounded by fortress walls. It's an amazing feeling of being in a medieval city, very atmospheric
A very beautiful historical minaret, one of the attractions of Khiva. It looks great on a bright sunny day and at sunset. Unfortunately, I didn't figure out how to get inside