This is the school where I study, it is very cool and I got very good knowledge there. Last year, I didn't really understand math and English, but at millennium school, the teachers explained it all to me so well that I realized it wasn't as difficult as I thought. There is delicious and healthy food here, children are fed 3 times a day: tomorrow, lunch, afternoon tea. And I and the other children have free time to walk here. On a walk, we can play various games such as: football, volleyball, basketball, rubber band, catch-up, zombie infestation, etc. And I also belong to the school league, where we help to organize various activities and much more. I have only good impressions of this school, there are positive teachers and students here. And if they have some kind of problem, they can contact a school psychologist who will not only listen and give you advice, but can also help you deal with various problems. But most of all I like the clubs here, we can choose any kind of clubs like acting and football, different language clubs, etc. For example, I go to football, kaz.Yaz, literary lounge 2 times a week and English! This is a very good school for your children, if they are too active, they can become part of a sports competition team, and if they are very smart, they can participate in various Olympiads! I'm going to continue my studies at this school next year, this is already my 2nd year of study at this school and everything suits me in it!
During two years of studying at MillennIum school, you have never regretted choosing a school, happiness is when your child goes there with pleasure and waits for the end of the holidays! The high competence and enthusiasm of teachers, with which they approach their work.The learning process is positive. Children are always encouraged to be active in the classroom. Your efforts form students' interest in learning and the subject. Children constantly participate in creative activities, independently take the initiative in completing tasks and become more responsible before their eyes. Thanks to you, studying has stopped being a torment.Many thanks to our homeroom teacher Natalia Alexandrovna for her care, love and contribution of our children, as well as to the director of the school Alena Gennadievna for the atmosphere, creativity, friendliness and attention to each student and parent!
I can say with confidence that our school is one big family!!!!