Not one, but one and a quarter, just because it was supposedly on the free market of Moldova for a long time, but with new services at a level slightly below the payment terminals of private legal entities that can be moved, on seven Fridays a week. And most importantly, all Fridays are black (blanc frai-dai-fricadeliki), but only for their own, special ones. No answers (note: to simple questions), no greetings, absolutely zero. So, on average, it turns out to be 0.75 points and such an assessment is not given the opportunity to put up. I don't understand anything, neither where the Bank is, nor where the Branches are, who is responsible for what, especially SUPER-agents from agencies, like territorial divisions, in order to be closer to clients with their "raised (n)with intermediary services, common and supposedly mutually beneficial payment instruments (cards). But the BANK... is definitely a BANK. And a good one, and with advertising on all TV channels and especially on the state (note: by the way, not the only one, there is another promoted one). 2 months, almost 3, but here the period is like 1 in 100, only the length of service is not included in such proportions. And no one is responsible for the nervous system, except for a free medical policy upon reaching RETIREMENT. Just 100 de moldoveni au zis shi unu a shuerat.
A user with a score of two, like teska, cannot be "in general EVERYTHING is OK" and 2, put 4 or 5. And the reservations can be HUGE, but only because there is nothing to compare it with, there could be such an assessment, but not mine.
Well, I get a "scholarship" on the card of this bank. There are many branches and ATMs. But everything is as usual in the post-Soviet space. I recommend this bank with reservations.