Everything is quite good for REO GAI. There are bathrooms, a waiting room, a cafe (delicious croissants with fish, delicious natural coffee). And only 4 registration windows always work out of 6 or 7. Up to 150 queue before lunch, all the rest after. There is a limit on coupons of 250 or 280 per day. Sharing the rights of individual windows is fast. There is a bank branch for payment
It is better to come here, of course, if you are not near the Zhdanovichi.. If it is not critical to receive in one day, then it makes sense to go by 11 o'clock, then the reconciliation does not go beyond the site. And taking into account the queue of plus or minus 100 people, then the documents are handed over around 16 hours. And accordingly, the receipt is tomorrow at 16. This applies to Tuesday, if on Thursday, then everything is reduced by a multiple - both the queue and the waiting time. If you absolutely need to do everything in one day, then you should arrive by 6 am. There doesn't seem to be a limit on coupons.