After the deprivation, the computer turned on, no warning, as an ordinary person came and sat down, the usual questions on the exam, learn and you will pass everything! Although I have already failed twice , but this is definitely not because I was deprived ! The questions are common!But yes, you have to wait long enough , although it depends on what you compare it with !!!!
It's just disgusting. There is 1 window out of 8 for 100+ people. So it would be fine to work quickly: an old man is sitting, barely making out words, the queue is just dead. No, well, it's just impossible, it doesn't fit into any gates anymore.
It would have been possible to give a negative assessment, I would have done it immediately.
To pass the theory, you sit in the document window where you enter the receipt for about 40 minutes, although there are 3 people in front of you. The older ones are sitting in the windows, rude, as if you owe them something, they are sitting drinking coffee, not even moving, not in a hurry to work at all.
Come at least half an hour before the theory is handed over, otherwise you will not have time