The Ikuo Hirayama International Cultural Caravanserai is a very cozy place for exhibitions, presentations, and master classes.
A very interesting event, the biennale.From December 23 to January 7, the Ikuo Hirayama Cultural Caravanserai hosts
X International Children's Drawing Biennale "The Joys of Tashkent". The exhibition features about 3,000 works by participants aged 5 to 15 from 24 countries.
The event, which celebrates its tenth anniversary this year, is attended by children from 24 countries. Among them are Belarus, Russia, Turkey, the USA, India, Egypt, Japan, Germany and others. For the first time, the works of children from Mexico and Afghanistan will be presented.
"The purpose of the biennale is the international collaboration of our children with their foreign peers. The exhibition aims to inspire young participants to create, strengthen friendship between children from different countries and introduce them to world art. We notice that our children often refer to political and social themes in their works. Therefore, we want both children and their parents to learn to go beyond the usual topics and reveal their inner world by looking at the work of other children. Children's fantasy has no boundaries, and this is why it is especially valuable," said Farrukh Usmonov, director of the caravanserai.
In December, Fun Japan workshops were very interesting at the Ikuo Hirayama International Caravanserai of Culture.Elena Lapushkina conducted master classes, which were very interesting and informative. Elena knows a lot and shares her knowledge very kindly.
Photo shoots can be held on the territory of the Ikuo Hirayama International Caravanserai of Culture.Beautiful nature, well-maintained park.After the exhibitions, you can just walk around the park, get some air, and admire the beauty of the park.
I was here at the Tanabata Festival, but overall the place is worth a visit. Beautiful nature, regular exhibition with beautiful paintings, Japanese style in the decor.