XXXTentacion is the best rapper in the history of mankind, he died in life, but he is in our hearts! It's a pity that we won't see them again... but I would like to.. XXXTentacion, I will come to your grave as soon as possible in 9 years (when I turn 18), XXXTentacion, you gave me childhood and told me with your music what rap is! XXXTentacion, I love you, the whole world loves you! I understand that you died as a child (according to the law in his country of residence, the age of majority is 21, and the turnip died at 20) and everyone should grieve for you! Even though you have mats in almost all your songs, I LOVE YOU!
Xxxtentacion was the very first rapper that I heard and listened to on a regular basis. He opened the world of turnips to me.. A legend in my heart, LLX
P. S. It's a pity that he and Juice don't have any joint tracks.. 999