A great place to shop for a small "bordellero" by Shukshin... All prices are accurate and will not scare a passing traveler. Sometimes there is no light, the girls work without air conditioning... stray dogs, comfortably fed, lie on the sidelines and do not bother anyone and do not run around the counters. In a word, a normal small-town market where everything is available... Well, or almost everything.
A normal market!
Prices are basically the same as everywhere else, something is more expensive, something is cheaper.
The assortment is quite large!
Minuses :
- there are no parking spaces at all times
- packs of dogs are running around
-to enter the market, you need to wipe the cars (which are at the entrance )
A market with a diverse assortment. I would like to mention butcher shops, there is always a large selection of fresh meat. A variety of fish and vegetable stalls. At an above-average price, you can find it cheaper.