Our whole family and relatives express their gratitude to the MEMORIAL funeral service in the person of Lyudmila Viktorovna and her team for their help in organizing the funeral of our beloved mother and grandmother!
Everything was done quickly, efficiently, and thought out to the smallest detail. Inside there is a comfortable farewell hall (there is also air conditioning, which is very important in such a hot summer). A priest was invited for the funeral service and a memorial table was ordered in the cafe (special thanks for it).
The attitude to our grief was tactful, and the words that were uttered by the organizer-manager at the cemetery helped to ease the pain of losing a loved one.
And I would also like to thank the men of the funeral service. For their careful and attentive attitude not only to people, but also to the work they did.
I would like to express my deep gratitude to Ulyana and the staff of the memorial service.Your help in organizing the funeral is invaluable.Thank you for doing your hard work competently, quickly, responsibly, and professionally.All employees treated us with understanding, compassion, responsibility, supported and helped us in such difficult moments.Ulyana, I bow low to you and your entire team and thank you very much!
Many thanks to the most sincere and reliable team of the agency "Memory", real professionals in their field! Once in a difficult life situation, it is very important to get not only the organization of services, but also a human attitude and sincere participation. Everything is done here at the highest level, and not a single detail is ignored by the caring organizers. Nothing distracts people from saying goodbye to a loved one. May God grant good health to your entire team