обжаренные креветки без панциря с пикантным соусом
5900 ₸
Пивной сет l
700/135 гр. сырные шарики с халапеньо, луковые кольца в панко, кольца кальмара, острые куриные крылышки, гренки, жаренный чечил, хрустящий лаваш, 3 вида соусов
It's a great place. Delicious and high-quality. Pleasant atmosphere. We often come here. I love king prawns in batter. The lamb kebab is very tender. Fish dishes are always delicious too.
It's a good place. Once every three months we go to the pub, it's not noisy and not so crowded that we can talk in a relaxed atmosphere, the cuisine is good, the service is also good. So far, the average statistical institution has not demonstrated anything.