Обучение основам робототехники на программируемых конструкторах от компании LEGO. Идеально подходит для вовлечения детей младшего школьного возраста в сферу робототехники и программирования.
108 Br1 pcs.
Робототехника Lego Mindstorms
Создание моделей роботов и их программирование на базе роботехнической платформы Lego EV3. Идеально для 3-5 классов
108 Br1 pcs.
Школа юного программиста (4-6 классы)
Курсы обучения основам программирования и алгоритмизации. Используются популярные платфо рмы Scratch, Roblox, Час Кода, Code Combat и многое другое. что делает учебный процесс творческим и интересным детям
I took the "Software Testing" courses. Unfortunately, 50% do not teach what employers in IT companies/teams require. I just threw money away ...
P.S. I answer the funny answer of the school: I received the certificate, I did everything in time and everything was generally clear, but no one called. During the job search, everyone just laughed at the program that you give! The program is very weak, zero theory for children and that's all! There is much more information on YouTube and much better training, and at the same time it is free!
People don't get fooled by positive comments, just spend money nowhere!
P.S. how could I delete your funny answer if only you or Yandex can delete it?) And what can you teach people if you're lying even now and trying to make me look like I don't know who? And yes, thanks for the job advice, because I'm sitting on the couch straight. I wonder where I get the money from then. And yes, I did not edit my comment, but added it, these are different things. You can find the initial review in Google reviews to make sure of this. It didn't work out, did it? They wanted to expose me to someone who is unclear, but in the end you turned out to be in brown. In general, your answer only confirms my words once again.
The teachers are real experts, but they are very weak as teachers. The ergonomics of the classrooms are terrible, you constantly have to sit with your neck twisted.
An excellent school, the teacher taught the best with all the testing chips, told how best to conduct testing, there were a lot of cognitive logical tasks that will be needed in the future with the device, I was satisfied.