A huge range of shoes, friendly, smiling and very polite sellers. Shoes of disgusting quality, well, what can you expect from such a price. I bought sneakers from IK in early spring, and at the end of September I discovered that the sole on one foot was worn down to a hole, and the second cracked across, some stitches dissolved and the skin cracked at the place of the greatest bend.
A huge assortment of shoes various models of leather ,textiles ,combined, , the most important thing is that not expensive prices are available for everyone and the biggest guarantee for all shoes
It's not the biggest store in the city, but the product range is sufficient! The staff will help you with any question! Discount system, bonus program! The prices are acceptable!
A wide selection of shoes, plus that you can place an order on the website and pay after fitting, instead of looking for something suitable for a long time in the store itself
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Ксения П.
Level 4 Local Expert
October 24, 2022
I've been buying shoes here for a long time. Recently I was with my eldest daughter. We bought 4 pairs of summer shoes. Minimum budget, excellent quality, my daughter is happy.
A normal store. A large selection of shoes. The sellers are friendly
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Алексей Курдинов
Level 3 Local Expert
December 26, 2021
I bought winter boots with insulation. I found the best model, and I like the color, and the interesting design, and the right size 43 was available. I tried it on, bought it back. There is a payment by card.
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Анжелика Л.
Level 3 Local Expert
December 28, 2021
Several times I bought shoes at the Megatop store. Every purchase was good. There was no exchange or return of shoes. I like the quality. Shoes do not tear, do not peel off, heels do not deteriorate. I try to take care of it so that it retains its appearance for a long time. I buy a lot of care products in the store, they sell a lot of this in the checkout area.
I bought 2 pairs of shoes and started wearing them, accidentally stepped into a puddle and one of the beauties turned red, the store said they would not change, put on another pair, after wearing they got a little dirty, but it is almost impossible to wash the dirt, thanks for the excellent quality of the shoes and the "friendly staff".