There is no customer orientation at all
I was told on Sunday from 9:00 to 12:00 they will come to connect, I'm waiting for them, I call at 10 a.m. I say they will definitely come, they said let's wait until 12, I said okay
At 12 I call, I can't get through at all, I called and rammed for 1.5 hours🚬🗿
And then it turned out that the foremen would not be in time today.
They could have warned me, our foremen are not free, we will not be in time today, but instead I rammed for 1.5-2 hours
I do not advise, it is better to take acne or saima, at least they do not dynamite and respond immediately
I want to share my negative experience of using the services of the Megaline Internet provider. Despite the friendly and competent technical support, which was always ready to help and solve emerging issues, the company's internal problems with logistics and management leave much to be desired.
We recently had a serious router breakdown due to our fault, and we immediately paid for a new one. For us, the lack of a stable Internet connection is not only an annoying inconvenience, but also a waste of time and money. However, when we turned to Megaline for a new router, our unpleasant adventures began.
At first we were told that there were no routers available. We asked if it was possible to buy a new one ourselves (I will clarify that this is not just a router, but with GPON technology), which are still a headache to get. In the end, they found it in one place, after which the technical support reported that it turns out that only the company's routers should be installed. Okay, figs with them, let's dance on! We waited as we were advised, and the next day we were informed that the routers had appeared. Very strange, isn't it? But that's not all.
Connecting a new router turned out to be a real hard labor. Perhaps this was an isolated case, and as I have already mentioned, Megaline specialists work well and try to solve customer problems. However, a few hours after connecting the router, it just stopped working. The problem turned out to be in the router, which somehow was unable to distribute a Wi-Fi signal. After a few hours, the router stupidly stopped working at all.
When we contacted the company for the second time, we were informed that the routers were no longer available and it was not known when they would appear. Just wait. This answer was really disappointing. I don't understand how such a big company as Megaline is not able to monitor the supply of routers, especially in a situation when customers like us have already faced serious inconveniences. Logistics and supply management should be at the proper level.
As a result, although Megaline's technical support remains at a good level, internal organizational problems, such as a shortage of routers and insufficient control over supplies, seriously undermine the company's reputation. The company's management is short-sighted and does not understand how logistics chains work in the company. I hope that Megaline will take measures to improve its service and management!
P.S. We have been waiting for the router for almost a week. They seem to be coming from New Zealand, no less!
The worst Internet. with the promised 30 mbit/s, it gives no more than 8 to the router, sometimes it drops to 0.3! On the contrary, they need to pay people extra for using their type of "Internet"
Самые худшие провайдеры, интернет всегда торомозит, звонили в поддержку приехали специалисты посмотрели роутер и установили другую частоту, никак не помогло.Второй раз позвонили приехали сказали мол нужен дургой роутер, так вы определитесь, какой именно нужен.Так же операторы очень ленивые люди которые не могут помочь со ситуаецией, всегда говорят мол отключите интернет на 10 секунд и т.д. .Не советую этого ужасного провайдера.
даже одной звезды не заслуживает. и без того вылетающий интернет дополняется просто ужаснейшим пингом в валоранте. я промолчу про то, что пинг там и так ужасный (89-91 лучший), так еще и посреди матча он подскочил до 130. частенько видосы не грузит. короче буду менять провайдера, не советую
Причем странно так,один месяц дают другой нет.Говоришь мол мы же уже брали два раза,отвечают «ну может быть в качестве исключения вам дали» нормальные нет?
Самый худший провайдер в городе.
Поставили 100мб/1 сек не показывает даже 60мб/1сек Специалиста позвали посмотрел что то ковырялся потом когда говорил что вы не чините у меня другой заказ и свалил и до этого объяснял что пинг должно быть низким тоже какие то не образованные люди. Мы программисты нам нужно высокоскоростной интернет. Потом этот же специалист позвонил кому то и ясно были слышно что "он VIP если нет то можешь свалить"
Это что за обращение я не могу понять за такие слова засудить можно только освобожусь разберусь с вами.
Ужасный сервис. Интернет все время пропадает, операторы просто не отвечают на звонки, дозвониться невозможно. Раньше было все хорошо. Но в последнее время ужасно, т.. Скорее всего буду менять
Многие телеканалы стали отключать, почти все детские отключили. Ещё предлагают перейти на более дорогой тариф! Интернет тормозит! Будем менять провайдера!