The formact is sitting somewhere behind the cabinet. I have to wait. But most of all, I was finished off by the fact that the drug was priced at a mark-up of 11p. After asking if the price had changed, she told me that there was a new batch. But the joke is that it cost me more than the highest price in Minsk, i.e. there are no such prices anywhere.
At the same time, the price is written on the package, the normal 18p, the same as on the 18p websites , but I had to buy for 29p , the highest in Minsk is 24p.
It is not clear why the price came out like this, formacert did not really explain.
I kindly ask the owner to contact me.
The pharmacist should be called loudly and wait until she deigns to come out to the customer. I went to the pharmacy at different times and had to wait a long time for either to finish on the phone or with a colleague (or someone). At three, I was just going to another pharmacy.
28.04 I bought medicines, the pharmacist absolutely does not know what goes with these medicines in addition. I sold the wrong thing, it's good that I was allowed to return it. Service from the category of "I'm talking on the phone, and you're in the way"