1973 - 1979 studied at the Tselinograd State Medical Institute. 1979 - 1981 - clinical residency in obstetrics and gynecology.
During my studies, the academic buildings consisted of 3 buildings along Mira Street and one, like, 2-3 storeys behind these buildings. Looking at the modern buildings, the university has strengthened financially and technically.
The acquired knowledge and practical skills helped to provide high-quality medical and preventive work throughout his career.
I am glad to see Professor Galym Ugubaevna Akhmedyanova among the staff of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
With gratitude, the former student of TSMI, doctor Iskhakova Denmark.
Many thanks to the students of the 651 group of general medicine Tatenbet Margulan, Tattibaev Adilet for their trouble-free assistance in transporting my father. Thank you for your sensitivity, empathy, empathy for a sick person, pride and joy for the future specialists of the Department of Family Medicine No. 2 under the guidance of the head of the department Latypova N.A.