It's a good store. We have our own pastries. They started making pitzes. We set up self-service cash desks. Of the cons ... There are usually long queues at regular ticket offices.
I really liked the store before today's visit, because I was shocked by the behavior of Marina Kurtsevich (there was no badge on her overalls), a seller from the meat department...the queue of 4 people waited for about 15 minutes...after appearing in the department, Kurtsevich began to talk about her employment...when I offered to serve customers to her....she advised me not to "snap back."Apparently, she does not understand the meaning of this word. (i.e., not to bark like a dog) When asked to provide a book of suggestions, she advised me to go where she waved her hand, indicating to me the location of this book. I had to ask for a book of suggestions three times. The mood is spoiled...the opinion about the store has changed...there is no desire to go there. I don't tolerate rudeness and I'm not going to. She doesn't work with people... somewhere on the packaging. But the word "sorry", which could radically correct the situation, seems unfamiliar to this seller. I advise you to have a conversation with this employee about the culture of behavior in the workplace and familiarize them with the rules for providing a book of proposals on demand.